Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 If you have to act like a girl, you're not girl. Acting it out is so  overdone. Own it!

You can lie to some of the people some of the time, but come one now, I'm really starting to question Biden's followers. He doesn't know he is ill, he keeps being pushed like a puppet. I'm worried about Americans who don't see that something is seriously wrong with Biden. 

If you can't take care of The American people, you can't take care of anyone else.

I say create a  hard military facility where young criminals can be sent to, Give them a chance to be proud of their country, proud of themselves, a chance to make a difference and a future.

Monday, February 19, 2024

 To be as honest as I can be, in my opinion it's not about his age its that I noticed a problem with him since the very beginning and it progressed. What is scary to me is that they are lying to Americans. And he's being allowed to run  our country. Why, because they have an agenda to put someone else in if he wins he will be out soon after. It's not hard to see.  The are not interested in Americans they want to allow migrants to get free helath insurance while Americans struggle paying for insurance. What do they want out of this Votes. Making deals with the enemy, what did they get out of thatm Money. It makes me scared to live in America along side criminals that they want to insure for free. Why? So the truth wont be told. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

Voting for popularity

 How are you going to drag your fans into danderous weather? Don't brag about I am here, and now one else is! Makes me questin what is the most important thing to you are providing you will do anything for a vote.  Never mind tthe safety of the people of the US. Bad decision during  dangerous times is crucial

Saturday, November 11, 2023

 I am trying to understand the faces on the news with the expressions of anger and tears of caring for the babies, children and citizens of Palestine, from American people. The very people who many of them are people fighting for the right to kill their own. I do understand in the case of rape, health and incest. I am troubled by this idea that one is ok but not the other. I love children and seeing these horrible things happening in the world is hard to watch and I pray for all of them and that they may be touched by God and it stops, surely that's what everybody in the world wants.  What would you do if it happened here in the U.S. if we were attacked, how would you feel? What would you expect from our own government? I also see a critical problem ahead. with allowing everyone enter our country...people who can turn on you without blinking an eye. Beware of the things you vote for. 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Bottom Line...

 Blah Blah Bla h

Being forced against your will

 I suppose it's like being assaulted,  to do something to your body against your own will. When did we lose our right to say NO? You tell people it's worth the risk of losing a child, parent, family, friends. Well, what if we want to take the risk of saying NO! What happen to that? Sounds like there is something more to the vaccine than the eye can see. Like a beast forcing itself on you. Your only choice is to get it forced on you, or you won't be able to buy food or see a Dr. or Travel. People will be separated and become targets for crime.  Forcing the people to be on your side or face the harsh consequences. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

Just the Beginning

You will not be allowed to travel, buy food, go to any social place, speak, attend social events. You will not have that choice. The right to choose is being taken away. Slowly slaughtered until the end. I pray for everyone who does not understand, I also pray for everyone who does. Although these are time's that some will be fully aware and know and understand what is happening. Open your eye's this is just the beginning.